a work per day (3): Winnie Soon’s HELLO ZOMBIES 回轉喪屍a work per day (3): Winnie Soon’s HELLO ZOMBIES 回轉喪屍

a work per day (3): Winnie Soon’s HELLO ZOMBIES 回轉喪屍


hello zombies: site view
hello zombies: site view


– 孫詠怡 Winnie Soon


“[Zombie] is a soulless human corpse, still dead, but taken from the grave and endowed by sorcery with a mechanical semblance of life-it is a dead body with is made to walk and act and move as if it was alive. “ – William Seabrook, The Magic Island, 1929

“I have always been interested in the performative and operative dimension of software that often comes into relations with culture, data and network protocols. Since 2009, my artworks have had a more specific focus on how the Internet works in both technical and cultural dimensions. Working with data, network protocols and software, directly and critically, has become a way of mine to understand and reflect upon techno-materiality, power relations and the aesthetics of the everyday network.” – Winnie Soon


hello zombies: site view 2
hello zombies: site view 2

“We are with you everyday, we live in the Internet with peculiar addresses and enticing titbits, but you call us “spam”. We wander around the network, mindlessly, and you wanted to trash us, but we are still everywhere. We are just the children of your economic and social system, but you ignore and avoid us. We are not dead, we write, we create.” — zombies

—This artwork examines these nonhuman zombies as a cultural phenomenon that produces quantified data and network identities. Through running the automated living machines, the artwork intervenes the network by writing spam poems to zombies and reading networked replies continuously. This project explores zombies of the living dead that bring forward social, technical, capitalistic and aesthetic relations in everyday lives.




Winnie Soon
Winnie Soon

About Winnie SOON

Winnie Soon is an artist-researcher born in Hong Kong and currently based in Denmark.

Her artistic practice ranges from interactive & network media, installation to digital print. In 2012, she received Silver Award in the 17th ifva in HK (Interactive Media Category). Artworks have been exhibited internationally including Pulse Art and Technology Festival (USA), FutureEverything Art Exhibition (UK), Mobile & DMB Festival (Korea), Stuttgarter Filmwinter Festival for expanded media (Germany), International Digital Art Festival (Bulgaria), PhotoPark (China), Microwave International Media Arts Festival (HK), amongst others. In addition, she is a co-founder of a UK and HK based non-profit art organization InNoPO where she has curated and devised art projects.

As an artist-researcher, Winnie’s research interest lies in: Practice-based Research, Collaborative Art practice, Critical Code Studies, Media (art) Theory, Internet Culture and Network Art, Cultural and Web data politics. Her PhD project is provisionally entitled Beyond Data Representation: Rethinking Liveness in Software Art. It is about the aesthetics of computational processes in the context of software art, in particular artworks that are data-driven and software based.

As an educator, Winnie has lectured widely in China, Taiwan, United Kingdom, Denmark and Hong Kong. She holds a MA in Media Cultures (City University of Hong Kong) and a MSc in Digital Art & Technology (University of Plymouth, UK) both with Distinction. She obtained scholarship and sponsorship from various organizations such as University of Plymouth, University of Hull, Aarhus University, Lingnan University, Groundworks and Pacific Century CyberWorks.

She worked in creative media industries during 1998-2008 with solid experience in media & technology management. Winnie had managed various entertainment & lifestyle commercial projects in listed companies: PCCW, China Mobile, SINA and Edenred.

She is currently a PhD fellow at Participatory IT research centre (Department of Aesthetics and Communication, Aarhus University), and visiting researcher at School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong, and adjunct Professor in Interactive design at Savannah College of Art and Design (HK).

Winnie Soon’s collaborative work with Helen Pritchard, jsut code, was part of the WMC_e4 (2010).

More information: www.siusoon.com

孫詠怡生於香港並從事研究及藝術工作。她的作品探討電腦程式與網絡文化之間的關係,並多以互動媒體、網絡媒體、裝置藝術及數碼印刷呈現作品。孫氏曾在不同的藝術館、藝術活動、大學及研討會裡演講及展出其作品,包括 V&A Museum, Pulse Art and Technology Festival, FutureEverything Art exhibition, 微波國際新媒體藝術節, 國立臺北藝術大學及香港浸會大學等。孫氏現為丹麥奧胡斯大學(美學及傳播系)之博士研究生,並於城市大學創意媒體學院從事客席研究工作。2010年曾與Helen Pritchard於文字機器創作集第四輯合作發表<jsut code>。更多資料: www.siusoon.com

Display 1: spammer email
Display 1: spammer email
Display 2: sending out spam poems
Display 2: sending out spam poems
Display 3: reading spammer or network replies
Display 3: reading spammer or network replies










The Writing Machine Collective
Poet: Susan Scarlata
stop forum spam: http://www.stopforumspam.com/
Fannie Ng @ InNoPO
Polly Poon @ InNoPO
Lilli Hoiting Li
Geoff Cox
Open Space Aarhus



Reference Websites 

reference websites
reference websites

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