WMC_e6 第六輯Hidden Variables 歧路結節 開合解謎

Z (2014-2016, 2018)

wmc_e6 2018.10.21 | more works by Hector Rodriguez from his solo “Hidden Variables”: (2014-2016; 2018) | 羅海德作品繼續介紹:《Z》(2018版)

Z is a moving image analysis system that produces abstract representations of video sequences using a system of predefined grayscale disks, thus facilitating the critical understanding and aesthetic appreciation of cinematic rhythm.

Each disk responds to different aspects of the brightness of each frame. Changes in the higher frequencies reflect changes in the smaller details of the source image. Changes in the lower frequencies reflect changes in the overall shape of the source image.

Z employs a mathematical framework originally devised by physicist Frits Zernike to describe the aberrations of microscopes, telescopes and other optical systems.

Kurosawa’s Throne of Blood (1957) deconstructed analytically by Rodriguez’s self-authored software “Z

In the WMC_e6 exhibition, two source films, of varied motion and brightness contrast, are used to heighten the visitor’s study of the power of the software. On one wall is Bela Tarr’s The Man from London (2007) and, on the opposite wall, Akira Kurosawa’s Throne of Blood (1957).

***to watch demo videos that explain the work [… …]




The visual interface of Z as an analytical tool and display of changing brightness and amount of visual information within each frame… The symmetrical structure represents the complex numbers involved in the calculation. Discs at the bottom line add up vertically to the discs on top. Horizontally, the discs at top of the screen add up from outside towards the centre into 2 images, which then combine to form the single disc in the lower centre, which is the closest approximation of the film’s original image.
an on-site view of Z (2018) at WMC_e6. in the room adjacent to Gestus: Redux (2018) and Inflections (on the L in the background), 2018.09.26-10.15, at the Sheung Wan Civic Centre Exhibition Gallery, Hong Kong
The two parts of Z on site face to face: Kurosawa’s Throne of Blood (R) and Tarr’s The Man from London (L)