WMC_e1 第一輯

Writing Machine Collective Closing Party 「文字機器創作集」閉幕派對

  • Date 日期
  • 07.08.2004
  • Time 時間
  • Curator’s Talk 策劃人講座:16:00 – 18:00
    Closing Party 閉幕派對:18:15
  • Venue 地點
  • 1a space, Cattle Depot
    1a 空間(牛棚藝術村)

The Writing Machine Collective (WMC) exhibition is closing on August 7 (Saturday) with a seminar at 4:00-6:00pm and a closing party, beginning at 6:15pm, with food, drinks and live media performances at 1aSpace, the Cattle Depot, Kowloon City.

When the written word meets music and video, textual possibilities stretch further! The Writing Machine Collective’s Closing Party is the event’s highlight you wouldn’t want to miss! Text x Music x Video x Interactive Installation x SMS…– 4 Mediums, 2 Platforms, 2 DJVJs will mingle and collaborate with visitors to create a new experience of interactive play.

The Writing Machine Collective exhibition is only the beginning of a new form of digital art to take root in Hong Kong. Before the closing party, WMC’s curator, Linda Lai, will give a comprehensive overview on the conceptual and creative background to the Writing Machine event, titled “What is Writing Machine: hyper- and cyber-textuality,” also agenda-setting as well as invitation to interested writers to join.


「文字機器創作集」閉幕派對,是這次展覽的必到推介!文字 x 音樂 x 錄像 x 互動裝置 x 流動短訊(SMS),四個媒體、兩個平台、兩個DJ VJ加上一群觀眾 ,將幻化成一個平台與媒體、觀眾與表演者的跨越互動演出,為你帶來一個耳目一新、震撼人心的晚上!




Curator’s Talk 策劃人講座

Topic 主題

What is Writing Machine: Hyper and cyber textuality

Speaker 講者

Linda Lai, Curator for the Writing Machine Collective, Assistant Professor at the School of Creative Media

Keywords 關鍵字

Hypertext vs Cybertext, Emergence, Machine as Organism, Serialism, Permutation, Automatism, Non-linearity, Interactivity, Reader-as-author, Co-creativity, Openness of Art Work, Narrative Constructed-ness, Rule-driven Creativity


Closing Party 閉幕派對

Performers 演出單位:S.T., The Demos

S.T. X The Demos is the result of partnership of two music units, S.T. and the Demos, combining VJ and DJ into one single mission — S.T.Demos. Improvised, on-the-spot interaction via the cellular phone of audience to begin with, the live performance exploits the many possibilities of installation, texts and visuals in the original exhibition, to strike off new modes of interactions between machinic orchestration and the human bodies that participate…

S.T. 和The Demos 兩個獨立音樂單位化身成 S.T. Demos,變身成VJ及DJ的混合體,利用觀眾的流動電話作出即時的短訊互動,並配合自家創造的互動裝置,為文字和視覺作一次最跨越性的婚嫁,再將觀眾加上表演,令文字和其他媒體的互動能量無限擴大!


CHOI Sai Ho, aka S.T., was trained by classical music and got a Trinity qualification at violin; now an Eclectic electronic musician. In his early days he gained the experience in orchestra and rock band; and gained live performance experience in band show “Sound & The City” organised by CityU in March this year as well as IVE graduation show “18+” last year. S.T. also remade music from False Alarm, a HK based band; and actively involved to music production for independent short film. Recently took part in “Medialogue Plus@Club X” to present his multimedia work “Video Mixer”. This time is S.T.’s third public live performance.

本身擁有小提琴Trinity演奏級水平和自小接受古典音樂訓練的蔡世豪,是多元化電子音樂創作人兼樂手,早年擁有管弦樂團和搖滾樂隊演出經驗,曾於今年3月底城市大學Sound & The City音樂會和去年IVE數瑪媒體系18+畢業展中作公開電音演出,以及為本地樂隊False Alarm主理remake音樂,同時亦替獨立短片創作配樂。近期以學生身份參予”Medialogue Plus@Club X”展覽其多媒體作品VideoMixer.。S.T.現時為蔡世豪的一人多元化電音單位,今次是自3月底以來第三次公開演出。

The Demos

Keith is the guitarist and Vocal of the former acoustic band “PTS”. As a new media artist, he participated some exhibitions included “Microwave International Media Arts Festival 2003” and “Hong Kong Art Biennial”, etc in the past years, creating some interactive media installation. At the same time, he also does the music for corporate video and advertisement. The Demos is a one man experimental band of electronic music with interactive installation.

前身為Acoustic組合”PTS” 結他手及主音的Keith. 近年以新媒體藝術家的身份參予多個展覽包括”Microwave International Media Arts Festival 2003″及”Hong Kong Art Biennial”等,創作多個互動媒體裝置. 同時亦為公司短片及廣告配樂. The Demos現時為Keith的一人電音x裝置的實驗組合。