Hidden Variables: Forking Paths of Visuality and Technology
歧路結節 開合解謎
Can computational media help us to rethink and re-experience our cinematic heritage? Can computer technology dialogue with the cultural past? Hidden Variables showcases the research-creation work of an interdisciplinary artist and scholar with a film studies background who re-invents classical cinema using algorithmic technologies.
This exhibition is a retrospective of Hector Rodríguez’s computational and generative cinema projects from 2011 to his most recent experiments. His art pieces, all based on data extracted from classical films, appear in a variety of forms, from single-channel videos, multiple projections, digital prints, and animations to audio-visual and textual documentations of the processes of research and experimentation.
Many of the works have been completely reconfigured specially for this exhibition, which includes a new intensely colorful version of the artist’s classic work, Gestus: Judex.
The works in the show form rich clusters and multiple connections. Visitors are invited to wander freely and curiously to and fro between works in order to discover unseen relations, or, stop by the research/reading room in order to acquaint themselves with the basics of the artist’s processes of experimentation. The “forking paths” design reactivates the desire of seeing the past anew.
Some of the works aim to visualize mathematical ideas. Rodríguez expresses abstract formal concepts in concrete visual terms. The application of new algorithms to existing moving images not only reveals those images in a new light but also calls attention to the technologies themselves. Technology here takes on a self-reflexive aspect. One of the main tasks of media art, the artist believes, is to open the black box of technology and discover previously unknown artistic possibilities.
This exhibition also includes the work Approximation Theory, by Felipe CUCKER and Hector Rodríguez.
計算媒體有助於我們重新思考和經驗我們的電影傳統嗎?展示一個深諳電影史和理論的學者如何深探數學理念的程式化運算對分析、開發電影的可能性。分佈展場的是藝術家2011-2018的作品群,有單窗錄像、多頻投影、數碼平面圖、貌似動畫的活動影像、紀錄實驗過程的錄像文字圖表。 一組一組的設置簇聚,細看,是多重的對話和相互連結。同一個數學定理衍生出來的作品長相外貌體格氣質不盡相同,在另一時段的作品裡又找到不一樣的翻身。訪者因此必須主動好奇的看,在不同的作品中來回遊走去弄出端倪;要不,就從其中一個叫《閱讀室》的作品開始,先理解背景因由。像歧路花園的空間設計,活化了看的慾望,對有心者而言,謎底近在咫尺。
展覽亦展出羅海德與Felipe Cucker共同創作的《Approximation Theory》。
Hector RODRÍGUEZ is a digital artist and theorist whose work explores the unique possibilities of computational technologies to reconfigure the history and aesthetics of moving images. He received a commendation award from the Hong Kong Government for his contributions to art and culture in 2014.
His works have been internationally exhibited across Taiwan, Singapore, New York, Poland, Germany, Spain, Greece and awarded the best digital work in the Hong Kong Art Biennial 2003, achievement award at the Hong Kong Contemporary Art Awards and jury selection of the Japan Media Art Festival. He was the Artistic Director of the Microwave International Media Art Festival, and is director for research and education for the Writing Machine Collective. He currently teaches at the School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong.
- “Theorem 9: Latent Figures”: images within an image (2018) 潛影像:第九定理,象裡有象 (2018)
- Z (2014-2016, 2018)
- “Gestus Redux” (2018, original version 2010-12) 姿態。微塑。
- “Fluxions” 流數 (2012, 2018)
- “Flowpoints” (2010): an animation “Within the Walls” (2017) and 6 prints on metallic paper 從「流點線」(2010)到《圍城私語》(2017)
- Last day, don’t miss… A visitor’s notes. 最後今天請勿錯過。訪者留言。
- Art meets Mathematics, 2 instances. “Approximation Theory” (2017) and “The Entropic Envelope” (2016-2018)
- “The Uncertainty Principle” (2017-2018)
- Inflections (2010-2012), “to be or not to be” as a parameter of randomness 猶豫,被設計的隨機性,拐點變調
- STEM to STEAM: Writing Moving Images with Mathematics 用數學寫會動的影像:歡迎理科同學思考藝術創作
- 到底有幾多作品?10個標題,7組實驗,5個數學理念… How many works are there in this show? 10 titles, 7 rooms, 5 mathematical concepts…
- 計算媒體有助於我們重新思考和經驗我們的電影傳統嗎?Can computational media help us to rethink and re-experience our cinematic heritage?
- Forking Paths of Visuality & Technology: Rodriguez’s “Hidden Variables” opens now until 15 Oct 羅海德的《歧路結節》靜候訪者進入視聽迷宮,即日至十月十五日
- 如何轉化看待影像的包袱?「純看」可能嗎?We are a vision machine to be hacked.
- 羅海德的《歧路結節,開合解謎》”Hidden Variables: Forking Paths of Visuality and Technology” by Hector Rodriguez