A WORKSHOP BY AUDREY SAMSON (Artist, Researcher in new media)
12.10.2014 (星期日Sun) 3:00-5:00pm / Connecting Space-HK, 18-20 Fort Street, North Point, Hong Kong
Conducted in Language / Free admissions

This workshop examines the different forms of digital data traces that we (often involuntarily) leave online. How is our data being used? How do issues of privacy, data ownership, surveillance and cyberbullying relate to networked digital data? In the workshop we discuss these issues and we think about how data deletion can be a form of gesture against quantification and surveillance. We will think about creative ways we could ritualize the erasure of data and what kind of personal data we would like to delete. No technical experience is required.
我們日常 (非自願性) 在網絡上遺下的不同形式的電子數據,將如何被取用?工作坊會討論有關的私隱、數據所有權、監控及網上欺凌的相關議題,亦會觸及銷毀數據作為一種抵擋人被數量化的反監控的行動。個人有什麼數據希望可以永久銷毀?如何以創意的儀式去銷毀數據?這些都是工作坊會觸及的。參加者不需要任何技術性的經驗。

ABOUT Audrey Samson
Audrey Samson is an artist and researcher currently based in Hong Kong. She holds a BFA Major in Design Art from Concordia University (Canada), an M.A. in Media Design from the Piet Zwart Institute (The Netherlands), and is currently a PhD researcher at the City University of Hong Kong. She has taught at the Gerrit Rietveld Academy and the Willem de Kooning Academy in The Netherlands, and set up and managed the Digital Art Lab at the Centrum voor Kunst en Cultuur. She co-founded Roger10-4 together with Sabrina Basten, a duo of women that make/break discarded electronics to build wearable electromagnetic field ‘sniffers’. She is also member of genderchangers; a collective of women which promote the exchange of technical skills between women; and a member of Aether9, a collective which explores the dramaturgical possibilities of remote real-time storytelling. She routinely gives workshops on subjects such as wearables, FLOSS, and networked performance.
Audrey Samson 藝術家、研究員,現居香港。於加拿大康克迪亞大學取得藝術學士,專修設計藝術,又於荷蘭的Piet Zwart Institute取得媒體設計碩士。現為香港城市大學新媒體學博士候選人。曾於荷蘭Gerrit Rietveld學院及Willem de Kooning學院任教。創立及管理Centrum voor Kunst en Cultuur 內的數碼藝術實驗室。又與Sabrina Basten共同創立「Roger10-4」二人組,生產電子廢物,也分解被扔掉的電子物品以製作可穿戴的含電磁場的「嗅探器」。Samson亦是「genderchangers」和「Aether9」成員之一。前者是一個推動女性之間交換技術的組織,後者則探討遙距即時式說故事的戲劇理論可能。她亦定期舉辦有關可穿戴的電子衣裝、「FLOSS」及網絡表演的工作坊。