wmc_e6 2018.09.23 [即日發放 immediate release]
Artist Hector Rodriguez introduces his works in Hidden Variables to the press and all interested parties in person before the show’s opening: 3:00-5:00pm, Wednesday, 26 Sep 2018 藝術家羅海德展覽開幕前親身主持傳媒導賞,介紹《歧路結節 開合解謎》,2018年9月26日下午 3時至5時,歡迎傳媒和所有有興趣人士。 | Artist’s talk「藝術、科技、存庫」 “Art, Technology, and the Archive”: Saturday, 06 October 2018: guided tour by artist (2:00pm) + lecture (3:00pm) 2018年10月6日藝術家導覽 (下午二時)+講座(下午三點)
“The tension between human vision and computer vision has invoked much techno-artistic research, but is hardly as dynamic as in Hector’s works. I imagine myself to be a hacked vision machine. With a little extra will to understand in algorithmic terms, and to multiply an “unknown variable” by -1 in a certain unknown function, I push open the door to see differently.” — WONG Chun-hoi, curator
「我們很難完全拋棄人類看待影像的一切包袱,完全把自己當成擁有電腦視覺 (computer vision) 般的純看能力。但在羅海德的作品裡,兩者的落差所形成的拉扯卻少有地如此激烈。所以我看他的作品時總會把自己想像為一部被黑客入侵的機器。我用了多一點力,拿出一點不抗拒理解複雜演算法的意志,嘗試在某個函數上的某個變數乘上負一的倍數,重啟看的想像性。」– 王鎮海,策展人
The Writing Machine Collective welcomes press visits to our Press Preview with a guided tour
《文字機器創作集》誠邀 貴報/刊/台派員採訪下述活動,由藝術家主持導賞,詳情如下:
活動 Event:《歧路結節 開合解謎》展覽傳媒導賞 Guided Press Tour for Hidden Variables: forking paths of visuality and technology
日期 Date: 2018年9月26日(星期三)Wednesday, 26 September 2018
時間 Time: 下午3時至5時 3:00-5:00pm
地點 Venue: 上環文娛中心6樓展覽廳 Exhibition Hall, 6/F, Sheung Wan Civic Centre, 345 Queen’s Road Central
藝術家 Artist:羅海德 Hector Rodriguez
策展人 Curator:王鎮海 Wong Chun-hoi
「文字機器創作集」第六輯系列策展人 WMC_e6 exhibition series curator:黎肖嫻 Linda C.H. Lai
《歧路結節 開合解謎》是數碼藝術家羅海德在香港的首個個人展覽,展示了一個深諳電影史和理論的學者如何深探數學理念開發電影可能,將一套套電影經典以電腦程式分析及修改,以數學演算設置出衍生性藝術作品,開發新的方法重新體驗老電影。
羅海德作品曾於台灣、新加坡、紐約、波蘭、德國、西班牙、希臘等地國際展覽展出,曾獲2003年度「香港藝術雙年展」最佳數碼作品獎項,「香港當代藝術獎2012」的優秀藝術家獎及日本文化廳媒體藝術祭評審團推薦作品,他亦曾任微波國際新媒體藝術節(2005)《玩感之都》(“Culture as Play”) 藝術總監。他現時在香港城市大學創意媒體學院任教。
藝術家將於傳媒導賞中親身示範其新作,同時分享更多的創作意念 。歡迎傳媒採訪。
Hidden Variables: Forking Paths of Visuality and Technology is Héctor Rodríguez’s first solo exhibition in Hong Kong. As a computational media artist with a cinema studies background, Rodríguez draws on mathematical concepts and techniques to reconfigure our understanding of both moving images and of the algorithms used to analyse and process them. The works in this show reflect on cinematic history and aesthetics, on the limits and possibilities of computer technologies, and the relations between the two. Art and technology are no longer viewed as separate systems. Instead, the integration of the two is presented as an urgent task in the age of information.
Hector Rodriguez’s computational art has been widely published in international exhibitions in Taiwan, Singapore, Poland, Germany, Spain, Greece and so on. He was awarded the Best Digital Work in the Hong Kong Art Biennale 2003, Achievement Award in the Hong Kong Contemporary Art Award in 2012-13, and Jury Selection, Japan Media Art Festival (2012-13), and received the HKSAR Secretary for Home Affairs’ Commendation Scheme 2014 for Outstanding Contribution to the Development of Arts and Culture. He was Artistic Director for “Culture As Play,” Microwave International Media Art Festival 2005. He is Associate Professor at the School of Creative Media, the City University of Hong Kong.
活動詳情 Details:http://www.writingmachine-collective.net/wordpress/wmc_e6_p08_hiddenvariable_press-release/