wmc_e6 2018.09.29 | opens 11:00-19:00 daily 每日上午11:00至下午7:00
「藝術、科技、存庫」 “Art, Technology, and the Archive” | Artist’s talk: Saturday, 06 October 2018: guided tour by artist (2:00pm) + lecture (3:00pm)
2018年10月6日藝術家導覽 (下午二時)+ 講座(下午三點)
Keywords: Visual Mathematics | Computational Cinema | Software Art | Future Cinema | Art from Data | Research-Based Practice | Calculus
Hidden Variables is also known as Kinematograph: Forking Paths of Visuality and Technology. Kinematograph literally connects cinema with motion (kinesis) and writing (graph). In this show, the artist takes up well-known movies to analyze the movements and changes within them. He also makes manifest the very process of analysis. In order to do this, he turns the movie clips into structured data sets, subjects them to computations that experiment with mathematical concepts, and then visualizes both the movies themselves and the concepts employed to analyze them.
Visitors to the exhibition will see silent classics, movie clips by Hitchcock, Godard, Ingmar Bergman, as well as local filmmakers, being transfigured into generatively evolving moving images. Whereas mainstream cinema channels the audience’s attention towards story content, the works in this show redirect our interest towards motion, light, camera moment, and everything that lies between frames, processes of constant change and morphing, and to the performance of mathematical computations. A new kind of seeing, or a new mode of attention, results.
Hidden Variables is Héctor Rodríguez’s first solo exhibition in Hong Kong. As a computational media artist with a cinema studies background, Rodríguez draws on mathematical concepts and techniques to reconfigure our understanding of both moving images and of the algorithms used to analyze and process them. The works in this show reflect on cinematic history and aesthetics, on the limits and possibilities of computer technologies, and the relations between the two. Art and technology are no longer viewed as separate systems. Instead, the integration of the two is presented as an urgent task in the age of information.
The exhibition features image-processing systems developed by the artist from 2011 to his most recent experiments. It is organized around two themes – reconfiguring the cinematic archive, and visualizing mathematics — that address the relationship between perceptual experience and computational thinking. The title Hidden Variables emphasizes the use of mathematics to analyze movie clips. In this way, each found image is subject to decomposition and reconstruction.
The history of cinema has accumulated a large archive of works. These works are often available in digital form, which makes them amenable to computational analysis and manipulation. Rodríguez uses algorithmic technologies to study and reprocess this cultural archive, and so to discover alternative ways of experiencing the films of the past.
Rodríguez expresses abstract mathematical concepts in concrete visual terms. Technology here takes on a self-reflexive aspect. The application of algorithms to moving images not only reveals those images in a new light but also calls attention to the technologies themselves.
The underlying motivation for this body of work is Rodriguez’s concern for the cultural impact of information technologies. Using algorithms specifically designed for each artwork, he reshapes the linear timeline and highlights the visual rhythms induced by the changing patterns of brightness and darkness in cinematic art. All this provides a critical perspective on cinematic viewing and asserts the autonomy of computation.
While all artworks have a strong perceptual and physical presence and can be enjoyed without any knowledge of the mathematics that undergirds them, this survey show includes a research/reading room that invites visitors to look beyond the appearance of a work. Users are free to delve deeper into the artist’s processes of research and experimentation. The audio-visual and textual documents made available explain the technological, mathematics and philosophical concepts behind the works. Videos made by the artists also show how preparing the documentation is as important as making the artworks. As well, the show promotes the interaction and mutual integration of technical and artistic knowledge.
關鍵詞:視覺數學 | 計算電影 | 程式藝術 | 未來電影 | 數據藝術 | 以研究為基礎的藝術實踐 | 微積分