- 流動於空間的活動影像 Spatialized Moving Images…
- 「諧波蒙太奇」遇上「勤力電路1.4 – 開著了的投影機」Harmonic montage with a switched-on projector operating on hardworking circuits
- Opening this Saturday: “Running, walking, jogging along a timeline with the same speed” by Wong Chun-hoi and Hugo Yeung 假如速度與跑姿換腳幅度無關:王鎮海與楊鳴謙對話周六開幕
- “Theorem 9: Latent Figures”: images within an image (2018) 潛影像:第九定理,象裡有象 (2018)
- Z (2014-2016, 2018)
- “Gestus Redux” (2018, original version 2010-12) 姿態。微塑。
- “Fluxions” 流數 (2012, 2018)
- “Flowpoints” (2010): an animation “Within the Walls” (2017) and 6 prints on metallic paper 從「流點線」(2010)到《圍城私語》(2017)
- Last day, don’t miss… A visitor’s notes. 最後今天請勿錯過。訪者留言。
- Art meets Mathematics, 2 instances. “Approximation Theory” (2017) and “The Entropic Envelope” (2016-2018)
- “The Uncertainty Principle” (2017-2018)
- Inflections (2010-2012), “to be or not to be” as a parameter of randomness 猶豫,被設計的隨機性,拐點變調
- STEM to STEAM: Writing Moving Images with Mathematics 用數學寫會動的影像:歡迎理科同學思考藝術創作
- 到底有幾多作品?10個標題,7組實驗,5個數學理念… How many works are there in this show? 10 titles, 7 rooms, 5 mathematical concepts…
- 計算媒體有助於我們重新思考和經驗我們的電影傳統嗎?Can computational media help us to rethink and re-experience our cinematic heritage?
- Forking Paths of Visuality & Technology: Rodriguez’s “Hidden Variables” opens now until 15 Oct 羅海德的《歧路結節》靜候訪者進入視聽迷宮,即日至十月十五日
- 如何轉化看待影像的包袱?「純看」可能嗎?We are a vision machine to be hacked.
- 羅海德的《歧路結節,開合解謎》”Hidden Variables: Forking Paths of Visuality and Technology” by Hector Rodriguez
- 「漫遊椅子」邀請特約研究員體驗空間化的藝術 A routed roaming chair invites researchers to experience an artistic spatial journey
- 框中戲,漲落情:一句鐘訪談 Framed Drama, Sized Emotions, an hour-long interview
- From Melodrama to Near Drama 從粵語通俗劇到微情緒的潮漲潮落
- Ng Tsz Kwan 吳子昆 ::. Cinema Expanding | [G]Local Empathy System 象裡有象 之《全情定位漂浮系統》
- Docent Workshop 導賞工作坊 :: to the backstage, inside the blackbox 作品的背後、新媒體藝術展的原理
- Education, we mean it. More than talks 有來有往,不一般的講座。
- WMC_e6 here soon ::. CINEMA EXPANDING 象裡有象:通電造影
- WMC_e5 (2014) catalog is ready for download…
- a work per day (12): Ip Yuk-yiu’s REHEARSALS FOR MUTED FILMS #2
- a work per day (11): Mike King’s MAP01
- a work per day (10): Justin Wong’s AUTOCOMIC#1
- a work per day (9): Rodriguez’s THEOREM 8 第八定理, projection and sub-spaces
- a work per day (8): Howe and Cayley’s THE TRUE STORY OF AH-Q from the 21st century 阿Q正傳
- a work per day (7): Linda Lai’s VAULTING SPACE 1927-2011 翻騰空
- Data, Research, Artistic Endeavors: this Sunday (Oct 19) starting 4:00pm
- a work per day (6): Jess Lau’s energy flow in A FADING PIECE 消失之中
- a work per day (5): Audrey Samson investigates… what if our on-line data survive us? “NE.ME.QUITTES.PAS”
- a work per day (4): YoHa’s ENDLESS WAR, the Wiki-leaked Afghan War Diary magnified…
- a work per day (3): Winnie Soon’s HELLO ZOMBIES 回轉喪屍
- Tracing Data : Opening and Reception Party (11/10/2014)
- a work per day (2): Zoie So’s WEATHER FORECASTING 氣象預測
- a work per day (1): James Coupe’s JALOUSIE ROOM: a world premiere
- 12 Oct: Digital Data Funeral: 請別離開我,或,如何為電子數據舉行葬禮
- The 12 works at WMC_e5 @ Connecting Space-HK: open 9 Oct till 22 Oct 2014
- TRACING DATA: a Concept Statement
- 4 works at Connecting Space-Zurich to mark WMC_e5’s bilateral opening on 9 Oct 2014
- Two weekends of lectures, forums and workshops starting 11 Oct 2014
- WMC_e5 on 9-22 Oct 2014 @ Connecting Spaces-HK
- WMC_e5: it’s brewing, it’s cooking…
- LAST exhibition day – event change announcement
- Workshop today: ‘Generative Thinking in Contemporary Art & Creative Writing’
- Views of the WMC_e4: exhibits & lectures
- Screening II “Video as writing machines” + workshop on Generative Illustration
- Today Saturday: Screening I + 2 Lectures @ Youth Square
- The 12 works presented at WMC_e4, opening this Friday at 8:00pm
- WMC e_4: GRAND OPENING on 14th Jan 8pm!!!
- Selections for ‘Video as Writing Machines’ – video screenings at WMC_e4
- Lectures and Workshops for WMC_e4: full schedule
- 12 works by 15 artists in the upcoming WMC_e4: some highlights
- Open call for short video: ‘Video as Writing Machines’
- WMC_e4 Physical Exhibition arriving Jan 13-31, 2011
- WMC_e2 Workshop: “Inform 7”: text based interactive fiction