Running, Walking, Jogging along the timeline with the same speed
Presented by two emerging artists, the duo-solo exhibition highlights different approaches in their art-making footsteps. Wong Chun-hoi demonstrates the “motion” of moving image in physical reconstruction while Hugo Yeung Ming-him attempts to question the definition of “audience” by challenging the power relationship between audience and images. In Wong’s work, hardworking circuit #1.4– a switched-on projector [work-in-progress], a power circuit is turned into a monad, as the originary material to generate micro-narratives that foreground cinematic temporality and processes, and play with the notion of denouement. As a form of “Expanded Cinema”, Wong’s piece calls attention to its varied media composition by breaking down temporal processes so as to invite visitors to scrutinize the finest elements at work. As such, the work points to the future of moving images, persisting in electricity’s “sculpting” power. While electricity has always been taken for granted in our daily life, Wong sets off a real-time performance of electricity to make it visible, to write a “new” kind of images that move. Yeung’s Harmonic Montage organizes prepared samples of stills and algorithmically via a generative system he builds using Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) in mathematics. The spatial arrangement of the work follows the rules of harmonics in music. Live ensembles in the venue are the result of visitors interacting with prepared sound devices, with audio-visual trajectories prescribed by the artist’s algorithm.
王鎮海和楊鳴謙的《假如速度與跑姿換腳幅度無關》,是兩位年青媒體創作者合成的雙個展,「跑姿」確有不同。王鎮海對活動影像的「動」作出物理上的重塑;楊鳴謙則意圖打開誰是觀眾、觀眾與影像的主客關係的種種問題。王鎮海的《勤力電路1.4 ‒開著了的投影機(持續創作)》把交流電流化作為待發的單子(monad)、創作的原素材,書寫著像電影般具時間性、強調流程、帶起合和清晰結尾的微敘事。說是「膨脹」電影的搞作,箇中是對合成媒體的解構潛進至深至微處,憧憬著未來的電影,卻不忘「電」的原塑力。今天,我們對「電力」的存在於人間看成理所當然,王鎮海讓我們重新「看」到電的實時表演,寫出可看的新「電」影。楊鳴謙的《諧波蒙太奇》以數學上的「離散傅立葉變換」(discrete Fourier Transform)作為編碼的運算基礎去編排預先處理好的影像,空間的安排上以音樂的和聲(harmonics)和合奏(ensemble)為基本法則,透過觀眾與現場發聲物件的互動寫出聲與影的彈道(trajectory)。
WONG Chun-hoi graduated from the School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong, as a major in the Critical Intermedia Laboratory. Focusing on sound and electronics, his works have been showcased and performed in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Mainland China. In 2018, he received the Gold Award in the Media Art category of the 23rdifva Awards. As the artistic engineer at Floating Projects, he also provides technical support for various artists.
Hugo YEUNG is an emerging digital artist exploring the possibilities of algorithms and computation as artistic media to expand the audio-visual aesthetics of cinematic experience. He debuted his solo show in 2016, and published his work at GENERATE! Festival for electronic arts 2017, Germany. He graduated with a Bachelor of Arts and Science in New Media from the School of Creative Media, the City University of Hong Kong. He is a member of the Floating Projects Collective since 2015.
楊鳴謙,數碼媒體藝術家,為首屆香港城市大學創意媒體學院新媒體文理學士畢業生。作品主要以電腦演算探索電影美學的可能性。2015年起為「據點・句點」之成員,並於2016年發表首個個展,及後到德國GENERATE! Festival for electronic arts 2017參展。2018年,為賽馬會ifva影像嘉年華的參展藝術家。